Of Urinals & Men

Y’all can make fun of me, but I’m still hung up on the urinals at C-Field.  I’m glad they are all eco-friendly and all, but can’t we have a divider?

I’m hoping they just haven’t installed them yet.

Personally, I won’t be staring at your junk and I doubt you’ll be looking at me – but seriously, can’t we just have a wall?  You know there’s those idiots who have to stand about 20 feet away and go for the long shot.

So that we’re all on the same page, Thomas from the UK (who has his own blog now called Checked Swing)
send over another link to the 12 Unspoken Rules of Urinal Etiquette.

(That’s a screen cap not an actual video so stop clicking.  If you want to see the video click here. )
