Empty Seats, Skyboxes and Audi Club At Yankee Stadium On Saturday

Now we all know that nobody wants to pay $1000 to sit behind home plate at Yankee Stadium on a Saturday afternoon.

Over at Flushing our old friend David Howard said, “But just because a seat is not occupied doesn’t mean that they’re not there or the seat is not sold.

He may be right.  The people could be up getting food (and blowing off the waitress service)

Probably everybody in this Yankee Stadium skybox got up at the same time to grab some chicken fingers…..

And here is the very empty


The Audi Yankees Club is a membership club located on the H&R Block Suite Level. The club features a cocktail bar and a dining lounge and offers sweeping views of Yankee Stadium from left field. The experience is highlighted by performance-cooking stations, a dessert station and full cocktail service. Membership is available on an annual basis. For more information, please click hereIndividual-game tickets are also available.

I guess everyone was at the dessert station except the 11 people we counted.

If you think demand for Yankee tickets isn’t way down, please jump on Stubhub and buy my Sox tickets for Tuesday night.  I can’t believe they are still sitting there, and all I want is to break even.  Last year Sox tickets funding my 15 game pack.


3 Replies to “Empty Seats, Skyboxes and Audi Club At Yankee Stadium On Saturday”

  1. Shannon –

    I have a reservation for dinner tonight. Got two Audi Club passes, and I think that my father and I can eat enough to make $65 worth it. If the game isn’t rained out, I will be sure to report back.

  2. these pics could of been taken in the 9th inning when the Yankees were getting killed so that could be a reason why the seats were empty

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