Did Anyone Win Subway Series Tickets Lottery?

I have recieved the following and several email addresses.  Did anyone win?
Dear Mets Fan:
Thank you for participating in the online random drawing for the opportunity to purchase tickets to the Subway Series at Citi Field.
We are sorry to inform you that your entry was not selected in this drawing.

13 Replies to “Did Anyone Win Subway Series Tickets Lottery?”

  1. I just received the same email. Haven't heard from anyone who actually did "win"

  2. 15 game ticket plan holder here. Didn't win. Didn't expect to. Why ticket plan owners haven't priority over the scalpers and brokers is a joke.

  3. I entered a few times….got the same emails back…I haven't won 1 lottery yet when they have had them.

  4. the winner was the Mets that used it as an oppotunity to sell multiple tix

  5. 0 for 5

    In the span of this lottery year after year, I have won a grand total of one time, putting in over 5 entries each time. Luckily it was for opening day, but then I find out most of the seats people won for opening day were obstructed view!

    Honestly why do they have to do something special with these? Design a system that a hacker can't break, or just sell them at the box office only. Luck of the draw is stupid.

  6. I have one of the few 15 game plans that didn't include a Subway Series game, and neither myself, or my girlfriend won.

    Then again, neither of us work for a ticket broker, so should I really be surprised?

    I'm sure there will be tons of this tickets available really soon on ticket scalping sights for obscene amounts of money.

    Most Mets fans will probably be watching this from home.

  7. The way the Mets waited until the last minute to allow people to buy these tickets gave Yankee fans ample, ample time (having bought their own tickets months ago) to buy some of these as well.

    And if you win the lottery you get to buy tickets for one game, right? NO! You get to buy FOUR tickets for ALL THREE GAMES. Meaning less people get a chance to buy them, and the people who do win are probably going to be scalping eight to ten of their tickets for stupid amounts of money.

    The Mets shouldn't be surprised if there are more Yankee fans than Mets fans at this game.

  8. I've never gone through this process before so not really sure how it works. But once this sale to those lucky people ends on Friday, if there are any left over do they put them on sale to general public? IDK what the chances even are of having left over but I'm curious… At this point IDC how I get tickets, my b/f and I already got a flight and hotel to go just for the game and it's so gonna suck if we can't go to the game 🙁

  9. I won.
    I first got an email saying I DIDNT win.
    Then today I got an email that let me buy tickets. I still have two tickets that I can purchase but im not going to , so if anyone
    wants to buy tickets maybe we can set up a private ebay auction.
    Email : [email protected]

  10. I won too today. It was like a second chance from the first lottery I guess they had unsold tickets from the first lottery but I won. And bought three tickets to the opener on friday im so pumped

  11. i won too, they were second chance tix, so there were no cheap tix left like i wanted… but got 2 for friday!

  12. I actually won and have been struggling all day with how many to buy and if I could sell the extras on ebay. Any ideas?

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