New York Mets Stickers?

Matt writes…

As a Mets fan stuck here in Connecticut, I’ve come to despise all
things Red Sox, especially their fans.

However, unlike Sweet Caroline, here is something we need to rip-off from them.

There are a ton of creative & cool stickers there.  I’m hoping you can
put the call out to your readers to find someone much more creative &
artistic than I that can pull something like this off.

Thanks!  Matt 

Seems cool.  I could see a few 41s and 57s on some local vehicles.  Maybe this exists and we just don’t know about it.

One Reply to “New York Mets Stickers?”

  1. Actually, that's a ripoff of NASCAR. You see fans of Dale Earnhardt Jr. with an 8 on their cars, Jeff Gordon with 24 stickers, etc.c

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