See, Lee is a cool guy. I support Jerry but if he unfairly takes a bullet for this mess I will be back on my Lee for manager kick. (To appease loudmouths like me, the next manager after the disaster should be a Met.)
Former Met Guarantees Happy Ending
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Well I would disagree with that. It's like the Yankee fan who wants Don Mattingly to manage, except that Maz has actual experience. See the disaster in Baltimore a few years ago. Personally, I'd love to see Mattingly manage the Yankees because he would cause no end of heartache to Yankee fans when it became obvious he needed to be fired. This is like a Mark Messier coaching the Rangers scenario. Other than fan nostalgia there's no track record to show any ability to do the job.
If he wants to manage let him go work out the kinks with some small market team for a decade or two. I put Gary Carter in this same category. Willie Randolph, too.
Wally Backman, on the other hand, has shown he can manage. It's a shame he's also got a track record of fisticuffs with his wife (or was it his girlfriend?). The Wilpons will never give Backman a shot.