Your Suggestions For Citi Field

I was going to publish the Mets Police Guide To Being Cheap About Parking this morning, but New Traditions For Citi Field got such a big reaction that I want to continue that discussion. (Thanks Metsblog for the link!)

Read yesterday’s piece to see how this all started…and below are some of the suggestions from readers.

What suggestions do you have?

– Besides a statue to Seaver, let’s have one for Gil Hodges as well.

– Give names to the “bridge” and to the food court area. Forget Shake Shack. Call it Shea Shack.

– Rename (if possible) some of the levels and/or restaurants to reflect Met history. Maybe calling a restaurant the “69 Club.” It maybe a little controversial, but it would pique interest

– Mets need fireworks with the apple when they hit a homerun!! Bring back the blue caps and uniforms EVERYDAY! It’s time to kill all the black! the tops, the caps, even the black drop shadow on the numbers!!!!

– I don’t dislike the bullpen location necessarily, and I like that you can get behind it. However, I wouldn’t mind a screen somewhere that was a live feed into the bullpen. Instead of “warming up in the Mets bullpen, number 25, Pedro Feliciano” (besides the worry that that text will get burned into the screen due to repetition) actually make it so we can watch him warm up via a screen. (Oh, and why did it take SNY half a season to realize they could just put a camera inside there rather than try to peak through fences?)

– blue outfield walls, blue bridge, with the retired #’s or pennant flags flying from the top. I like Shea Crossing.
I was having a side discussion with someone on email today ([email protected] if you have ideas/comments/wanna be friends etc.) about the pennant flags.  We both miss them.  They look really sharp over Fake Yankee Stadium.

I would really like to see the levels renamed.   Heck I’d rather sit in the Hodges level or Reese level than “Excelsior” – although when I buy the team they will have Mets names.   Off the top of my head I shall name them:  Seaver, Hernandez, Piazza (to keep the peace), Ott (I always stick up for the Giants) and Francoeur (he just homered as I’m writing this last night).  Maybe Mazzilli.

Ceetar had asked what Rusty’s ribs is: Well there is no such thing, but in my mind it would be a ripoff of, I mean inspired by Boog’s BBQ in Baltimore. Rusty Staub used to own a restaurant on the upper east side.

Please keep the suggestions coming.
More comments over at Metsblog.

Parking tips tomorrow.

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4 Replies to “Your Suggestions For Citi Field”

  1. No blue outfield walls!! Do you even realize how Hideous that would look with all the dark green seats? They don't need blue walls, they are more than fine as they are now.

    Everything else you mentioned sounds good to me

  2. Get Leatherface to chainsaw down those idiot walls and Godzilla to turn the "MoZone" into a bullpen.
    Move home plate up six feet so there are less obstructed views and Gary Cohen can see the play in the corners.
    And sell the the first four rows in the Promenade OF seats as $5 partial-view seats.
    Bad organization. Bad team. Bad stadium. The fans deserve better.

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