Mets Police Stadiums Week Day Six: Washington Nationals Park Continued

We’re back at Nationals Park, once again thanks to Tom.

The park looks pretty nice in these photos, I may have to take a road trip next spring.

It’s time for some sort of race. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mr. Met run.  He probably is rehabbing his hamstring.

Gotta admit, the Nats HR department is doing a good job.  They have hired some quality assistants. #09 there looks like a good employee in these shots.

A UFO?  Burgers?  Looks like something you’d find in downtown LA.

Washington also has one of those “statues” that the Pirates invented.  Someone tell Jeffy.

My Yankee friend Mr. Sunshine will be pleased to know there’s a Five Guys.   You could get him to go anywhere for a Five Guys.

My eyes are getting bad, but no obstructed views jump out at me.

(searching for joke…)

We’ve been walking around..let’s check the scoreboard…oh it’s 7-0 Nats and the Mets are being one hit.  Shocking!

Got stadium pics?  Send ’em

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One Reply to “Mets Police Stadiums Week Day Six: Washington Nationals Park Continued”

  1. thanks shannon for sharing my pics!!!!it was quite a night @nationals ballpark, at least there was a lot of mets fan there with me suffering thru the game. Oh the pain!!!

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