Fun With More Pictures Of The Final New York Mets Game Of 2009

Peter was kind enough to send his pictures from the last game at Citi to [email protected]

Here’s some new banners!

That’s $1000 and you get a stuffed Mr. Met doll.  One thousand dollars.   Come on out to Citi Field on the last day of the worst season in franchise history and spend one thousand dollars.

Earlier in the year I took this photo in the Mets Team Shop.  You don’t suppose dropping a grand gets you one of these does it?  Wow, thanks!

Little known fact – this elevator uses the logo of the old New York Giants, and is one of many items at Citi Field that helps counterbalance all the Dodgers stuff.

Here’s the crowd for Game 162.

Emmitt Smith was at the game!  (Peter must really be a fan of the site and enjoys when I do this)

Kick save and a beaut!  (Yeah Peter must know I do this.)

Mr. Met II was at the game!

This is what Mr. Met’s head used to look like before they didn’t use the character for a while…and when am I getting the mule back?

And what happened to Mrs. Met? (the ESPN creation not to be confused with 60’s era Lady Met)

Everything must go including us…

Looks like Pete takes great photos – or photos of posters or something…anyway this is a nice shot.

If you found this half-way entertaining please send us your pictures to [email protected] and be sure to include random jersey shots.

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