What Can The USFL Teach Us? (Link)

I didn’t get to watch the ESPN 30 on 30 documentary about the USFL yet, but I really liked that league back in the day.   I think it was just about a year or two early.  If it had been around for the modern style ESPN (not the one that showed you Aussie Football and lumberjack races) it would have made it.  They should never have gone to the fall (cough, UFL, cough).    Between the XFL and the UFL bombs it will be a long long time before someone starts spring football over here.  Better chance of an NFL team in London or a Premier league team in New York (not sure how international soccer works).

Anyways, here’s a cool article I saw on the internet called What Can The USFL Teach Us (here’s an excerpt.)

the USFL is a great case study.

*Spring season
*NFL-quality talent

*Costs, costs, costs
*Donald Trump

The spring season was key — play where they ain’t. The USFL correctly anticipated that NFL fans suffered withdrawal in the spring, waiting for the next season.

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