The Media Goon checks in for “Five Questions For An Average Mets Fan”
1. When did you start following the Mets?
I started following when I was 8 yrs old. I’m 33 now.
2. What is your favorite Mets memory?
Best experience is a tie. 1) 1986 Mets vs. Astros playoff game 2) buying my first ticket plan( I promised myself as a kid I would have my own seats one day)
3. What is your worst Mets memory or experience?
Working at Shea Stadium as a vendor. Just wasn’t for me.
4. If you could change one off-field thing about the franchise what
would it be?
I would change the way the mets lie to the fanbase about the things that they have made mistakes on such as the sight lines and plexi glass in the stadium
5. If you owned the team starting tomorrow, what is the first thing you would change?
On the field, I would get rid of the coaching staff and the manager, bring back Valentine and Rick Peterson( even if Peterson was the pitching consultant.) And shore up left field, First and catcher.
Keep em coming. More average fans tomorrow.
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