Five Questions For An Average Mets Fan (Fan #47)

#47 in honor of Jesse Orosco (someone who should be in the Mets hall and a player not mentioned enough) is frequent commenter Tkaszner with the Five Questions.

1. When did you start following the Mets?

Early 1980’s

2. What is your favorite Mets memory?

Not a game i went to, but actually i game i missed. I got the chicken pox the week before my high school graduation and missed a mets game that week. My dad went to the game and was ale to get Ralph Kiner to make a get well wish over the air in between innings. I still have it on tape!!!

3. What is your worst Mets memory or experience?

 2007, 2008, 2009 and most likely 2010

4. If you could change one off-field thing about the franchise what
would it be?

total change in mets management/player development

5. If you owned the team starting tomorrow, what is the first thing
you would change?

total overhaul in the way the team communicates and listens to it’s fans.  Also will buy all memorbilia leftover from shea and build a miniture shea stadium in the parking lot!!!!

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