Share Your Shots (of Mets)

I plan to start a new series and invite you to email any pictures
you'd like to share with the Metspolice community.

Anything you think is cool: you at a game, ur cool jersey, you at a
road game, Dave Kingman from the 70s, anything.

Send to [email protected]

Meanwhile, slowly the Blue Cap Army grows. It seems to be catching on
over on twitter (@metspolice). The idea is to express our
frustration by wearing blue caps to games. A side benefit is that it
will help the goal of uniform unanimity I talked about back in
October, get some Mets colors into the park, and hopefully create a
sea of blue much like the red you see at Cards games.

If you look at pictures of any Mets crowd, even back to the pre-black
80s you will notice there aren't as many blue caps as you'd think.
Wear your blue and let the boys on the Ebbetts Club know you're
frustrated. Plus maybe Howie will give us a shoutout.

I'm still laughing about Dan's post below. His conversation with
Craig Marino even made the mainstream press and yet nobody checked him
off as a non-renewal?

Jason Bay is nice but he isn't that amazing. I'm still wondering what
happened to pitching and defense?

Caught "1986" on MLB last night. Wow that young Gooden was good.
Gooden at his prime may have been better than even Seaver (here come
the emails). If you were around for it you know what I mean.

That Mike Scott fellow was pretty scary too. The Astros series was
great but little talked about because of Buckner

1986 was half the franchise's life ago now.

Some decent posts coming up today, tomorrow I'm back on the obstructed
views kick.

Your invoice is due tomorrow. Better lick that stamp.

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