Blue Cap Army Update: Opening Day

Quick note..

I’m going to go ahead with the plan for Mets fans to gather on the morning of Opening Day.  The idea is for us to just meet up, hit the new Hall of Fame together, and then hey why not let’s go check out the bar.

Once I get the hang of this new site design I’m going to add an rsvp form because I want to see if we can amass a significant number of people to get free pretzels at the bar or something.  I’m going to reach out to some folks, (if you’re reading this and you think I mean you – yes, I mean you.)

In the meantime, if interested hit comments.

6 Replies to “Blue Cap Army Update: Opening Day”

  1. I should be able to get off work. Having been to the McFadden’s in Citizens Bank Park countless times, I’m very excited for the Mets to get their own. Anybody have an idea where it will be located?
    BTW, even with the current state of Metsdom, tickets are gonna be brutal to get.

    1. I’m not sure. There were plenty of recent Shea openers that didn’t sell out. Personally if I have to Stubhub, that’s fine because I haven’t spent money on 14 other games.

      McFadden’s is believed to be in Left Field where there was some open space.

  2. ‘recent’ Shea openers? I’m pretty sure it’s sold out at least back until 2004, that’s 6 years. And there are less seats now. Last year was special obviously, and you couldn’t get at ticket for under $200+. As fun as opening day is I don’t know if I’m taking off work _and_ spending 3 figures for the game. I don’t see how I can possibly not watch the first game either though. oye.

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