Four questions for Mets fans

It is a quiet morning and I have a few stub-thoughts but nothing that would be more than a 5 word post.

As I tweeted, I wish the Yankees would let Mike Emrick take over as their radio announcer (great job yesterday) – and that led me to appreciating our guys, which made me realize I have four quick things on my mind which I thought I’d ask you:

1. Howie Rose or Gary Cohen?
2. 90.5 wins: over/under
3. Reyes and the FBI: nothing or something?
4. The name of the Mets manager on September 1, 2010?

13 Replies to “Four questions for Mets fans”

  1. 1: it’s like choosing between your children. Can I have them both together?
    2: under
    3: nothing, but Reyes and the Mets need to be forthcoming with as much as they can say about a pending or ongoing legal case so that something else doesn’t get made out of nothing
    4: Howie Rose or Gary Cohen

  2. 1)Rose. You’ll hear him earlier this year as the Icelanders suck.
    2)Under. Not even a wild card.
    3)Can be a blockbuster
    4)Howard Johnson

  3. Interesting questions.

    1. Probably Howie since I’m an Islanders fan as well.

    2. 90.5 seems like a decent number. I’ll go over, but I can see 90-91 wins winning the east.

    3. I think it’s probably nothing, but you really never know.

    4. Unfortunately, Jerry Manuel.

  4. 1. Gary (but I’d like them both together again)
    2. Under (84, no wildcard)
    3. Something, but not knowingly…where there’s smoke there’s fire and I don’t believe anyone is above suspicion these days.
    4. Jerry Manuel. November 1 is a different answer.

  5. 1) Awww, it’s like Sophie’s Choice … gotta go with Gary.
    2) Under.
    3) Nothing. Hopefully nothing. Can anyone be that stupid anymore in this day and age? And I hope that’s a rhetorical question.
    4) I think Manuel. For all my complaining about the team, I think they will be good enough to keep him on the bench. Whether that’s a good thing, well, that’s a much longer topic.

  6. 1) Can’t I have them both back together again? If I must choose, Gary Cohen.
    2) Under
    3) Hopefully nothing, but I don’t think we’ll know for sure for a while.
    4) Dave Jauss

  7. 1. Cohen, by far
    2. Push (they’ll find a way)
    3. Zilch (at least the Mets knew he had seen the doc, unlike the Yanks and A-Rod)
    4. Manuel

  8. 1. I love Howie, but I think Cohen is the better announcer
    2. WAY under – If they hit 83 I’ll be shocked
    3. Probably nothing – but we’ve all been fooled before
    4. Howard Johnson

  9. 1. Howie Rose or Gary Cohen? — Howie Rose
    2. 90.5 wins: over/under — Under
    3. Reyes and the FBI: nothing or something? — Nothing
    4. The name of the Mets manager on September 1, 2010? — Robert John Valentine

    One final remark: Can Charlie Samuels please, just once, acknowledge us by bringing the all-blue helmets to Port St. Lucie for Spring Training games? Once again, we’re stuck with the helmets that don’t match a single cap worn by the team — and except for photo day, we probably won’t get to see blue caps until April …

    And while we’re at it … did he again forget the team has a new uniform? Can’t wait to see cream colored pinstripes with the hybrid caps. Another genius move Charlie will undoubtedly make.

  10. Man even in Spring Training Games the Mets seem to annoy us. Today against the Braves they, again, wore the hidious two tone hybrid caps!!! Man!

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