Guest post: solution to the long hybrid Mets cap nightmare?

I have been enjoying the guest posts. Here’s a fun one!

Hi Shannon,

I am not a graphic artist, so the attached picture is just a quickie cut and paste. To my surprise, at first blush, the cap doesn’t look as good to me as I thought it would.

What do you think?


I will split my comment:

1. If black must exist in the name of marketing and they insist on wearing black – then YES this is the move. My biggest problem with the “hybrid” (I love that that term has caught on) is that you can’t see the NY on TV. It looks like a blur. In person on a civilian it pops more, but on an actual major leaguer the NY doesn’t stand out. This design solves the problem.

2. Ditch the black. Dress the team in blue, let civilians wear whatever they want – New Era has tons of options. If I ever have free time on a weekend again I’ve been jonesing to do another round of alternate cap commentary.

10 Replies to “Guest post: solution to the long hybrid Mets cap nightmare?”

  1. michael, nice job with the cut/paste.

    while i understand that this says “giants on top, mets on bottom” i just think the whole idea of a black crown with a royal blue brim is a flawed idea. the mets don’t need TWO black hats. if they must have one, then keep the all black and retire the hybrid.

  2. I like the effort in trying to find a solution to the hybrid.

    But as noted by others, the hybrid is a terrible concept with the black and blue color combo.

    As a test, I would be interested in seeing a Navy Blue (not the current “Dodger Blue”) crown with an Orange bill — no black at all.

    1. While I agree with you, I do wonder what sort of rights the SF Giants have to this particular design that may preclude the Mets from using it.

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