Mets Caps Are Not Popular Among Criminals

I thought I’d flip the headline.  Why should it be all about the Yankees?

Since 2000, more than 100 people who have been suspects or persons of interest in connection with serious crimes in New York City wore Yankees apparel at the time of the crimes or at the time of their arrest or arraignment. The tally is based on a review of New York Police Department news releases, surveillance video and images of robberies and other crimes, as well as police sketches and newspaper articles that described suspects’ clothing. No other sports team comes close.

The Mets, forever in the shadow of their Bronx rivals, are perhaps grateful to be losing this one: only about a dozen people in the same review were found to be wearing Mets gear.

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3 Replies to “Mets Caps Are Not Popular Among Criminals”

  1. Last year in Manchester, NH there was a guy at a public July 4th celebration who got into an argument, fired his gun, shot a few people, and was on the lam for a bit before finally being caught. In the photo that was plastered all over the media he was wearing a Mets cap — traditional blue. I was surprised to see one up here, they’re very rare (except for mine), then I thought, how typical, it’s crime-related.

  2. People commit crimes in Mets gear, its just the victims take pity on their assailants because, well, they’re Mets fans. In fact just the other day I assaulted a guy, punching him in the face. At first he seemed angry, but once he noticed the Mets patch on my shirt he offered to take a few more hay makers since he, “couldn’t begin to fathom my troubles.”

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