Playoffs Outsider: Yankee fans back to being cocky

Yankee Panic has been suspended.

Mr. Sunshine took a few hours but by like 4:15 he was providing me with scoreboard updates, emailing me on the way home, and then emailing me about Game 6 while there were only two outs in the 9th.

These Yankees fans only know winning and don’t live in despair like we do out in Queens.

I am sure Craig Sager is an awesome nice, kind to children and animals, loves his mama, and donates lots of money to chairty.  I hope he has a long and successful career.   But I don’t get it.

Sunshine encouraged me to listen to the national radio feed on That Organization Which Learns Things.   He was enamored of Miller and Morgan.  That’s how awful Yankeecasts are…the most optimistic Yankees fan chose not to listen to The Mess on 88 and instead chose Miller & Morgan.

Think how spoiled we are Mets fans….our “worst” announcer is Wayne Hagin, and he’d be the best in a three man booth on 88.

I wonder how Sunshine would react to an inning of Howie Rose…maybe next Subway Series I’ll invite him to switch over.


I still can’t bring myself to watch even one pitch of Phillies-Formerly New York Giants.  Although I root for the team of my ancestors, I just have too much DVRing to do.


ESPN has learned that the Yankees will play in Texas on Friday.   ESPN’s Michael Kay confirms today’s 6-2 final score.

2 Replies to “Playoffs Outsider: Yankee fans back to being cocky”

  1. Really, though, isn’t it better for the Rangers to clinch their winning game at home rather than George Steinbrenner Memorial Stadium?

  2. No, Michael….

    I think for our half of NY — you know the less prone to jumping on bandwagons ones– it would have been better for the yankees to take the sword at home.

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