Mets wish some former players Happy Birthday. They missed one. But he’ll get $1.1 million dollars soon.

Oh, I am such a trouble-maker but this is so much fun.

It is 7:25pm.

This is the @newyorkmets timeline for today.

I know that’s hard to see, but if you click on it you’ll see:

Happy Birthday wishes to Ken Boswell, who hit .333, with two HRs and drove in 5 runs in the 1969 NLCS as the Mets swept the Braves.about 5 hours ago via web

Happy Birthday to Ron Hunt, who was the first Met to start an All-Star Game with his appearance at second base in 1964!!about 5 hours ago via web

That’s very nice.  Who doesn’t love Ken Boswell or Ron Hunt?

But what about this man?  He was born on February 23, 1963.

He was a TWO-TIME Met.  How bad could he be if they brought him back?  It’s not like that was an idiotic thing to do.

He’s so special that starting on July 1 he will get $1,193,248.20 a year from the Mets for the next 25 years. That’s some nice coin, and don’t forget the 20 cents Fred.

Happy Birthday Roberto.  I’m sure the Mets just forgot.  They’ll remember you in July.

Yes, this was naughty of me.  If I’m the Mets I’d fire off about 40 straight tweets of anything (like spring pics) and slip in a Bonilla Birthday wish on like #25.  There’s still time.