Doug Sisk: The Human Torch

I can’t get all into financials, there’s plenty of that elsewhere. While we all wait on Ollie (will he accept AAA this time?) let’s think back to a simpler time.

It was the 80’s and a teenager could boo his heart out without fear of being called a racist by Andy Martino. The WSJ reminds us of the greatest boobird of all time…the Human Torch.

Whenever Sisk walked to the Shea Stadium mound, boos accompanied him. The narrative was a predictable one: Sisk would walk two, strike out one, walk another, allow two or three runs then exit with his head down and his reputation increasingly tattered.

I was there on April 5, 1983 when Doug finished the game for Seaver (greatest moment at Shea for me.)

I was there plenty of nights too boo him later on. In fact I feel like booing him now. Booooooooooooooo. That felt good.

Davey eventually stopped pitching him at home, which reminds me of how we would later boo Buddy Harrelson (racists) leading Buddy to decide not to come to the mound ever.

You think Mets fans are tough when the team is losing? Try “not winning” with a potential dynasty on the field.

Doug, when Dave from Flushing finally has Old Timers’ Day I hope you come back. I’d love to boo you one more time….and then I’ll buy you a beer. After all, you’re a Met.

Speaking of boos….attention Jason Bay: probably a good idea to get off to a good start. Just sayin’