2 Replies to “Seaver and Gooden enter Shea Stadium”

  1. Tom Seaver was never the most likeable individual as a person, but in Mets lore, that of course does not matter. He was and always will be the Franchise. HE was the first player that grew up a Met, and will always be a Met. There were no what cap issues that exsist today. No matter what players come in the future, none of them will match the status of Tom Seaver. Even those with the stature of Mike Piazza, a clear first ballot hall of famer, pale in comparison to Seaver. This year will be the Mets’ 50th season (give or take accounting practices) and no player outside of George Brett & Griffey, Jr. has as clear a standing at the top of his franchise as Seaver. Even teams like the teams that have called NY home, may have clear leaders, but none of them stands as far over the next in line as Seaver and the Mets. As a kid, when I knew we had tickets, I would spend weeks trying to figure out if Seaver was going to pitch that day. It always seemed to be George Stone or Hank Webb, and nothing against the days it was Koosman or Matlack, but they were not Seaver.

    My mother was working at an Arizona cable company office, and I was finishing up my freshman year at ASU, when I raced to her office to watch the home opener in 1983 (back when Ch9 was still a cable giant) and the chills I got from watching TV hearing the PA guy say…now pitching, #41…nothing else needed to be said…I can only imagine what it was like to be there that day.

  2. likable or not he was the man.
    he walked the walk and talked the talk.
    when i was a teen, 2 of my friends were mets bat boys and i had the chance to be in the club house on lots of occasions.
    when he walked through the door he would fill the room with the aura of “who wants to win today?”

    when the atlanta braves signed seaver to a contract that was nullified by major league base ball because he was still at USC, any team who wanted to match atlanta’s offer was put into a hat.
    the mets name was pulled form that hat.

    can you imagine seaver ending up another team?

    it still scares me when i think about how he could have been picked by another team on a draw!!!!

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