Hello from the airport. Fortunately there is a Donuts Chain here and the iPad has 86% left. I dud see a cool Mets shirt on a nice lady but I’m saving my phone battery at 100% so I can bring you pics from the new home of The Formerly’s tonight.
Media Goon is in charge today, although I have left him a few posts for later in the day. He can be reached at [email protected] if anything comes up.
Meanwhile, here’s a Q&A with Lee Mazzilli from Eveningtribune.com

What was it like to be a part of the 1986 Mets?
It was a special team. It was a very confident team that had a lot of ability and great players, but most importantly they played as a team. That shows when you play together as a team, you win.
In other news, The Apple did a funny story about the Mets naming a section “Mets BJ’s Club” or something like that. It has escaped the walls of the Apple and some folks think its a real story. There is an actual section called “BJ’s Clubhouse” which is funny enough.
In the middle of the night I was wondering when the Mets will have no choice but to say no to “bloggers” and what a tough spot that puts them in. Last night’s call had more bloggers than there have been in the past. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be there or even that I should be there – but I wonder what the cutoff will be. The has to be a cutoff right? Terry can do a 9 hour call from anyone with access to Blogger. I don’t have any suggestion, nor a I saying there was someone undeserving on the call or that I have some birthright to be one of the chosen. I just had insomnia and this is what I wondered.
Oh, on the call, Cerrone led off by asking Colactus what the team’s weakness is. Terry’s pause was…
…forever. He went with fear of injuries.