Another Fake John Ricco video

Mets fans, there are plenty of seats on the Mets Bandwagon but jump on now so we know you’re True Blue and Orange…and how about that Chris Young?

Meanwhile, “John Ricco” is at it again…


3 Replies to “Another Fake John Ricco video”

  1. yeah…this just isn’t funny. it was barely funny the first time, it’s definitely not anymore.

  2. The only reason the first one was funny is because the Mets were filled with a lot of dead weight and it was almost like a fans attempt at lettin the team know they were a laughing stock. At first I thought it was a disgruntled Met fan who made the video. Now I think it’s just a Met hater. The second video was a stretch.

    The awkward hand gestures and pause breaks were what I found to be really funny in the first one. The second video didn’t even have that.

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