This dude is loud and right on the crowd mike.

That’s a Keith jersey…Gary and Keith talked about it. I didn’t have the Slingbox open so I missed the better shots.

What Mets fans talk about when not talking about the actual games.
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I just saw that same guy spinning his arms around like the woman behind the plate did in the 1986 series.
Don’t know what to make of that…he is in the same seats as her…pretty clever to realize that, but this could get real annoying.
Even though I’m a Mets fan, I find his behavior too over-the top and annoying.
Its great to root for your team, but not when you become a distraction to the other paying fans sitting in nearby seats….let alone folks watching on TV.
His 1987 Throwback does look better than the black though…even has the captain C on it.
The black get-up is at its absolute ugliest in the daylight with the road pants.
…but it still makes more sense than the Butt-Ugly Hybrid Look.
he calmed down some later in the game, some..he was rowdy in the first. and the mic was close so you could hear him too. the magic of the microphone right? There were plenty of “Let’s Go Mets” chants last night, but no one would believe it was a majority of Mets fans. Of course, the place was mostly empty in general. Maybe New Yorkers chants reverberate more and sound louder?
it’s also a chinese knock off hernandez jersey.
Read my mind! AND Mex signed it, so now it’s totally worthless! lol!
That’s a legit jersey. I know the fan in this picture and that’s a licencesed jersey signed by Keith. Lay off haters!
I know Keith Hernandez is a Civil War buff. I found a site for Confederate veterans buried in NY and a monument dedicated to them. How can I email this to Keith? Thanks