OMG Tom Seaver singing lead in November 1969

“Frank Sinatra didn’t win 25 games in a season.”

I’m so glad that we have the internet.  You’d think we’d run out of random things to link or talk about but just when you think we’re at the end, something else turns up.

Last night I checked my email and…with apologies to Greg Prince for sharing a personal email….Greg sent me this note, and as we have discussed before, Greg is much better at words than I and having read his love for this link I don’t think he will mind at all.


I realize you’re on full uniform war footing today, but when you get a chance, you might want to fill one of the non-uni intervals in your schedule with this:

Sending it not so much as a link for FAFIF but because I can’t believe you’d want to pass up Tom Seaver singing “Nancy With the Laughing Face” with the Lettermen on Kraft Music Hall a few weeks after the 1969 World Series. What a strange juxtaposition of cultures — Tom the contemporary articulate athlete sucked in to doing cringeworthy shtick with the establishment at the end of the ’60s. But damn he pulls it off with aplomb. Has there ever been a grander personality among Met players?

A friend sent it to me. I’d love for Mets fans everywhere to know it exists. I mean, Tom Seaver…singing…and doing stilted gags about shoe polish balls…and Nancy dead-on with the “25 games” remark. And what an implicit comment that the 1969 Mets and baseball were huge in this country.

Do yourself a favor and WATCH THIS and try to imagine say Mike Pelfrey singing on American Idol.  Seaver is the man, Nancy is easy on the eyes and the only thing I can say about this clip is to paraphrase KaraAnne from 2009 – Touch ’em all Tom, you deserve it.

Go read Faith and Fear in Flushing to view the clip.