1994’s Mr. Met 1.5

(I had some leftover reruns from July 4th weekend – it’s actually July 4th as I am typing this, and rescheduling for now.  I’m on the road and Media Goon is in charge for the day.  Hit him up at [email protected] or @mediagoon if stuff comes up.)

Hey remember I was telling you how awesome the Mets Complete Illustrated History is and how you should buy it?

Well, I got to the 1994 page and saw THIS





Now for me…1994…let’s see, I was really into my new girlfriend (you know her as Mrs. Mets Police) and I had gotten a full-time job, and the Mets sucked and we didn’t have the internet, so I could see how I missed this….

…but in 3 full years of blogging and ranting about how Mr. Met Prime (you can see him in the museum) is way cooler than Swishy (the modern faux-Mr. Met) not one of you mentioned this.


I kind of like him better than Swishy, and I’ll you one thing – Mr. Met 1.5 would never charge you to print out tickets at home.

One Reply to “1994’s Mr. Met 1.5”

  1. Based on the uniform, this has to be 1995. I recall Mr. Met’s resurrection in 1994, but also remember 94 as the second and final year of the underscoring tail era. I thought this incarnation of Mr. Met was replaced with the one you call “Swishy” after just a year (would you prefer he is still a lanky guy with exposed skin & a paper mache head?). Apparently 1.5 hung around for a second season.

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