Ranking the Possible Outcomes for Fred Wilpon, From Most Likely to Least Likely

I’m not smart enough to understand all this stuff, but Howard Megdal broke down some of the legal stuff in New York Magazine:

let’s rank the possible outcomes from most likely to least likely:

Outcome No. 1: Rakoff lets the trial go forward, as-is. He leaves untouched both Picard’s pursuit of $300 million in fictitious profits — something that even Wilpon’s lawyers didn’t make much headway in disputing Friday, following a decision Tuesday by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Picard’s favor — and the $700 million Picard seeks to recover, a claim based on the idea that the Wilpons “knew or should have known” Madoff was a fraud.

via Ranking the Possible Outcomes for Fred Wilpon, From Most Likely to Least Likely.