Tom Seaver and something really cool the Mets do (made you look)(photos)

Ok seriously, if these pictures don’t make you smile then go find another blog.

These are from yesterday’s 10th annual Mets Wheelchair Softball Tournament featuring teams from Queens, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and the Bronx. In partnership with the New York City Department of Education, 100 students with special needs participated in a softball clinic led by the players.

The Mets launched the Major League Baseball Wheelchair Softball tournament in 2001 in partnership with the Wheelchair Sports Federation, New York City Parks and Recreation, Major League Baseball and the United Spinal Association. It is the only event of its kind in Major League Baseball.

Last year, the Mets hosted the 34th Annual National Wheelchair Softball Tournament at Citi Field, marking the first time a Major League Baseball ballpark and New York hosted the event.

I’m starting to realize Tom does a lot more than we hear about. That’s double manly to do the cool things and not make it a big deal about him. Very cool.

Big secret shootouts to people who did nice things for me this week including sending me these photos. They are great.

Time now for coffee and unnamed donuts and soccer. This is that sad Saturday morning where I don’t say “iced” when I order. Sad.

7 Replies to “Tom Seaver and something really cool the Mets do (made you look)(photos)”

  1. Was that in the New Shea parking lot? Did they use homeplate from Original Shea? THAT would be cool.

  2. That guy in the picture must REALLY like the Cubs…they couldn’t even convince him to put on a beautiful traditional black Mets jersey for the game…probably tried to give him one.

  3. Never really liked Seaver the man—seemed to arrogant especially when I asked him for an autograph. I can’t say though this is not cool and cool thing to do. Re: Cubs wearing guy—maybe he’s a fan of the team who very recently were visiting the Mets.

  4. Would have been cool to see the team wearing white, pinstriped jerseys…
    Tom Seaver was my favorite player when I was a kid. It feels good to see him still involved with the Mets and doing something like this. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. I was at this tournament. I play on the team sponsored by the Cubs. This year only had 5 teams (Cubs, Phillies, Red Sox, Yankees, and the Mets). Seaver was actually really cool and at least treated his appearance as more than just a photo op.
    FYI…this was at Citi Field. Last year’s tournament did use Shea’s old home plate as home plate for the games.

    1. Cool Gus, good to hear from you. As I get to peek behind the curtain a little from time to time I am picking up that Tom does a fair amount of things like this and is cool about it.

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