Mets tweet about CRG

This is interesting to me because it’s a different style of communication than typically found on @mets

I’m not saying that it’s good or bad, but to me it reads like someone said “put out a tweet” which is in contrast to say yesterday’s Mr. Met pictures.

But twitter is a form of communication and one that easily and quickly broadcasts to the masses so why not use it?



4 Replies to “Mets tweet about CRG”

  1. I agree with Eno or Dan or whoever tweeted it.  If you’re going to open up that avenue of communication to this type of thing, you’ve gotta do more than just deny.  

    Presumably a press release is coming anyway, and they can deny there and hopefully affirm what exactly they _are_ doing.  Because Twitter, and they’ve done a very good job of it, is primarily about fan relations, and this goes beyond that.

  2. More importantly, start reading those 186 un-read Tweets. You’re right, though, it is peculiar.

  3. Things are bad when you have to deny receiving bankruptcy services…and this year certainly offers little hope of an organic turnaround.

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