Seven Years, Eight Wishes « Faith and Fear in Flushing

I had planned to congratulate the great Faith and Fear on their anniversary, but it was not a time for celebration this weekend after the passing of Gary Carter.

As a new week begins, some sage advice from Greg Prince:

Don’t boycott what you love. My tenth-grade social studies teacher learned I was a Mets fan. I’m a Mets fan, too, he told me, but I hope they lose every game they play this year. HUH? I gasped. The year was 1979, the depths of de Roulet, and he wanted the team sold ASAP. I got it but I couldn’t quite go with so draconian a solution. (The Mets were kind enough to forge a middle ground, losing merely 99 times and only then going on the market.) In that vein, I get the notion that an inoccupation of Citi Field theoretically speeds along certain transactions that may seem necessary in light of where the franchise has undeniably gone awry…but why wholly deprive yourself in the interim? Don’t want to overly support the Mets? You can curb your habit, I suppose. Yet you’re not sitting there rubbing your hands together over news of the veritable swallows returning to Port St. Capistrano only to turn your nose up if someone asks you to go to a game in 2012. I never try to spend anybody else’s money, but I’d advise investing in at least one game this season. Why? Because when the season ends, there won’t be any more for another six months.

via Seven Years, Eight Wishes « Faith and Fear in Flushing.