I really wasn’t paying attention when this happened. Kevin who sent it in thinks it was 1999. That would be about right because I was newly married and I think that was the year I was ticked off at Cablevision for trying to charge me $10 extra for Sportschannel so I went without.
Anyway – these are cool jerseys. And take a close look at V’s cap.
black shadow – NEVER GOOD AT ALL!
It is 1999. That’s the only year they went nameless on the back. But when did they wear them? Bc I distinctly remember seeing BP at both Shea and Turner Field and they never wore anything but black.
They wore them during BP before games they wore the blue hats. So, rarely.
I think you are correct…this BP and cap was the best looking of all the black combinations, IMO.
Blue is best http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320942936497+