Almost Too Mets To Be True « Faith and Fear in Flushing

As usual, I throw out half a sentence, Greg makes it a masterpiece, I excerpt a few paragraphs and encourage you to read the entire thing.

Our pal Shannon Shark at Mets Police has an interesting theory that the Mets aren’t an organically occurring baseball team as much as they’re a serialized television drama that I’ve been writing since 1962, which is flattering of him to suggest, but I must reject the notion because I maintain the last few installments of Season 51 have been a little too hacky to be believed.

I’d like to think if I were indeed writing The Mets, I’d come up with something more original than another string of horrifying post-All Star break episodes in which the Mets go down the tubes faster than you can say “nine losses in ten games.” Anybody who’s ever worked with me would know I’d insist we can’t do another story arc like that — we just did a variation of the second-half swoon in Season 50.

And Season 49.

And Season 48.

via Almost Too Mets To Be True « Faith and Fear in Flushing.