My eBook is now available!: Send The Beer Guy: Mets Fan, Mets Vendor, Mets Police
(Kindle edition)
It’s $3.99. It’s a quick breezy read but if you like the blog you’ll like the book. I figured 4 bucks wasn’t too bad (you could watch Opening Day on TV and buy 15 books) since you spend 8 bucks on a beer and don’t think twice. If you think of it as a 150 page magazine $4 seems reasonable, no?
Book Description
Product Details
And now an interview with me by me.
What’s the book about?
I started writing it last year in planes. I had a lot of trips and kind-of sort-of knew the stories I wanted to tell in the book. I always held back the vendor stories (I am an ex-Shea Stadium vendor) figuring I could use them in a book someday.
As the 2012 season progressed I found some interesting story-lines as hope turned into despair.
Then I started writing memories from the past. Meeting Seaver. Opening Day ’83. Game 6. My first day vending. My dad dying. The Mets starting to suck.
I played with the sequencing a bunch of times and what seemed to work was alternating between 2012 and the stories.
It also became clear to me that ALL this, this blog and everything the blog is about, is me trying to recreate my childhood. If it could only be 1977 again my dad would be alive. He’s not, so the best I can do is drag my son to games and try to recreate the magic. As I typed and typed this really became clear to me.
There’s also a recurring theme in the book that caught me by surprise but I won’t give it away here.
Why is it called Send The Beer Guy?
When you are a vendor you hear the phrase a lot. Like a lot a lot. It also double-works because my father was a bartender…thus also a beer guy.
Why is there no cover image on the Amazon page?
Paraphrasing Patton, a good plan today is better than a perfect plan next week. I really wanted to get this out before spring training. When you read it you will see that it needs to go out now rather than halfway into the 2013 season.
I finished the words on Sunday, spent most of Monday fixing formatting (I hope I got it all, see the Patton quote again), and then had a crappy day at MI6 (my day job working for the British Secret Service) and discovered the blank image….so rather than waste another day I figured I’d hit publish and try to fix the image in the next few days.
What’s with the drawing?
I have been looking for months for the “right” image. I considered all the hacky things like a baseball or some grass. Media Goon gave it a valiant effort but nothing clicked. On Tuesday night I went through my computer looking at all my pictures and I found this drawing my youngest daughter had made. It seemed wonderfully imperfect and on-theme, and with the book being about Fathers, it just seemed right. If nothing else, it’s different.
OK I am half-way interested. What’s in the book?
Chapter titles include:
- Seaver Struck Me Out
- Randy Jones strikes out nobody
- The Franchise Returns
- Retire 17
- Banner Day
- 8020
- September 11, 1987
- Scisoscia
- The Wheels Come Off
Hey I have been reading your blog for five years, I have heard some of these stories.
Guilty. Some are re-writes. But you haven’t heard most of it. And definitely not the vendor stories or the one about the major league umpire.
So how much does the book cost?
That seems like a lot of money!
Think of it as a 150 page magazine. Or less than 1/15th an Opening Day ticket
I’m new to ebooks, how does it work
If you have a Kindle it will just work. You click and it will show up on your Kindle.
If you have an iphone or ipad download the free Kindle app. It will show up in the app.
Do I need a Kindle?
Nope. Just the app.
I downloaded it to my Kindle and the cover looks screwy.
See Patton quote.
Will you write another book?
Probably. Hopefully it will be the story of the 2013 World Champion Mets.
Thanks in advance for buying. If you do like it please leave a review on the Amazon Page.
Buy here: Send The Beer Guy: Mets Fan, Mets Vendor, Mets Police
congrats, man. this will be my perfect setting for PSL.