I like both versions of the blue jersey, hell I even liked the Los Mets blue ones from 2011 and 2012. The Mets decided to break out the blue road ones for their first road game of the season.

I personally don’t like this look of the traditional blue cap with the blue alternates. It should be the orange brimmed alternate hat. I am not speaking for anyone else on MP but meh.

– Posted while trying to figure out how to install a batphone into the Mets organization.
The one time Black hats would be acceptable
Not even close to being acceptable.
That would be hideous.
Uniforrms look great and team is even playing great in them….
Love the look!
I can’t speak with certainty to the orange brims with the road blues since we haven’t seen it yet, but I absolutely prefer the basic blue caps with the home blues. To me, the orange-brim/home blue alt combo as seen in the Wright presser looked a little overboard, bordering on loud. It’s kinda like the “ice cream” caps of yore & the snow whites: it made perfect sense in theory to match the two, but the all-blue caps make for a much cleaner look in practice.
The orange brims with the pinless unis looks fantastic. I can’t help but wonder if they’ll wear the orange brims with the greys at some point.
I did a side by side comparison with both sets at Precinct 41. The blue hats look so much better with the pinless and pins, while the Orange Brim looks good with the Alt blues.
Looking at the Wright presser vs. the last few days games, I just disagree. I suppose I’m just a less-is-more kinda guy when it comes to these things. Wearing the extra-colorful cap with the extra-colorful jersey is just overkill. That’s probably the same reason I dig the alt caps with the snow whites: one balances out the other.
I like these, these ARE METS’ colors. Once again, NOT DODGER uniforms.
orange brims with blue Unis or no orange brim at all! The Traditional blue cap looks best with stripes or no stripes. anyone gone to citi field store and they had the orange brim cap with grey lettering supposedly for the away blue jerseys??? whats up with that??