Two things popped up this weekend.
In the first, the TV guys apparently had a discussion about “Mrs. Met.” That’s an interesting topic in itself. The cartoon was often depicted as “Lady Met” but Uni Watch has this article which lends credence to the Mrs. Met theory.
By the way, note her cap.
Here’s my theory.
Mr. Met (the first) is clearly paper-machie head guy.
He dated Lady Met.
By the way note her cap.
After the 1969 World Series they marry and Lady Met becomes Mrs. Met. She makes appearances at Shea in the 1970s. (Ignore the blonde lady. Pic via Uni Watch)
Eventually Mr. Met gets tired of the losing and puts in his retirement papers and is replaced by a mule.

Mr. and Mrs. Met raise two sons. In 1993 the elder takes over the family legacy.
However, the eldest son is a party animal and eventually Dad steps in. The 1993 Mr. Met is sent off to work in the back office. He is the Hank Steinbrenner of the Met family.
The younger son takes over as “Mr. Met.” He apparently has a wife (also named Mrs. Met I presume) and two three children.
Then yesterday, this tweet from some part of MLB which says Mr. Met has flowers for his mom.
and that brings this post full circle. I propose to you that Mr. Met’s mom is Lady Met/Mrs. Met
Update July 2013:
And now we have the modern-day Mrs. Met who returned to working for the Mets after raising the children.
Wow. My mind is blown. This all makes SO much sense!
Is this on Ancestry. Com? Also, before Mr. Met found Mrs.Met, he had a dog named Homer.
The mules name was “Mettle” by the way. The brainchild of Lorinda DeRoulet I believe…..The head groundskeeper would drive her around the warning track mid game to rouse up the few in attendence. The Irish head groundskeeper looked quite bewildered, bemused and humiliated doing this as a new part of his job description! This was the Mets answer to the great Phanatic in Philadelphia and Chicken in SD….the Mettle did not go over and failed miserably and quickly dissappeared…There are paralells in this story if viewed in realtion to current Met philosophy and roster!
Fabulous. You have outdone yourself! I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
I believe the current Mr. Met has 3 kids. (according to the picture) Unless the youngest isn’t his, or something.
Somebody call the “Maury” show producers! We need paternity tests pronto!