The Yankees All Star Game Apple has been spotted

Yes I know there is a list and a map but THAT’S NOT FUN. It is much more fun if you guys send in pictures as you stumble across them. Or if you are unemployed and bored and want to send the full set that’s fine too.

Eric at found…

yankees all star apple

You guys are going to get all wigged out if I say that’s a nice looking one aren’t you? Well it is.

3 Replies to “The Yankees All Star Game Apple has been spotted”

  1. nah, it’s ugly and boring.

    also, where’s the middle finger? Can you take pictures of this without giving it the finger, I wasn’t aware..

  2. Why should we care about a giant apple depicting the logo of a team that plays in a fake phony fraud counterfeit artificial stadium without a soul that was built on parkland stolen from the neighborhood in which it sits?

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