Citi Field and the new paradigm of ballpark design – Baseball Nation

An excerpt from a really good read about how Citi Field could have been great but they settled for good.

It’s the rest of the stadium that leaves me cold, because the rest of the stadium is a shrine, not to Jackie Robinson, or to excellence or justice or citizenship or any of the rest of it, but rather to rank commerce. There are the usual suites, of course, and also a number of clubs, where one can relax with an overpriced drink without having to look at those silly baseball players doing the things that Jackie Robinson used to do. Some of the clubs are close to the field — supplanting many hundreds of seats, and any view of the field from the concourse — and some are far from the field, but it’s hard to escape the conclusion that this ballpark wasn’t designed for actually watching baseball games.

via Citi Field and the new paradigm of ballpark design – Baseball Nation.

Speaking of which, you may have missed my recent rant about Left Field.