I had a good time at @the7line event last night. @mediagoon and I hung in the corner with @ontheblack.
@mediagoon even had this snazzy banner made.
We sold some tickets. Made some friends. I talked to two other folks in their Bruce Wayne mode which I enjoyed.
Then this morning I got this
And that’s going to be very distracting today. So I have to ignore that, do down other stuff and finish off the QBC website so y’all can buy your tickets.
We are so excited about the event. Goon and I had a pre-meeting (that’s code for a few beers) and came up with more stuff for the events calendar.
January 18th at McFadden’s Citi Field. I hope to see you there.
So just for fun lets say the local tee shirt shop was having a grand opening, and they offered a pre-sale for PS4’s, at a discount. We’d be good with that?
Sure, why not?