41 Amazin’ ideas for the Mets #29: Organ Music Day

Here’s what we’re doing. We are crowdsourcing 41 ideas for the Mets. The ideas can be big or small.  Email me your idea at [email protected].  Today’s idea is from Greg.


Organ music day – Many fans have fond memories of Jane Jarvis on the Thomas organ. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a throwback to a day without walk up music, cues when to chant, or other “noise”? Keith would love this. Maybe the time to do this would be on a weekday with a senior stroll or something similar or tie it to another old time promotion.

One Reply to “41 Amazin’ ideas for the Mets #29: Organ Music Day”

  1. I’ve been wanting this for a long time. The Mets have put this on their customer satisfaction survey at least twice that I can recall.

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