I am not being my usual sarcastic self here. I’d like to know what the Mets knew about Niese and when did they know it.
“There’s no discomfort, no pain,” manager Terry Collins said Sunday morning. “We’re just seeing a decrease in stuff. You don’t need radar guns to tell you there’s something going on here.”
So was the plan on Friday something like “we think he is hurt but let’s see what happens?” Did they go back and look at the twelve pitches and notice his velocity? (I was unable to find that sort of detail in my twenty second internet search while I drink a beer and enjoy my deck..I am not a sportswriter.)
I’m just curious how a man throws twelve pitches and is now on the DL.
Given the market they are in, with the resources they should have, we know the Mets are a terribly run franchise. Practically run into the ground. Some might dispute that they have the worst front office in baseball. Nobody on this earth, however, could ever dispute that the New York Mets have the worst medical staff in the history of modern sports.