The line to enter Yankee Stadium through Gate 2 two hours before Tuesday’s first pitch was worse than going through security at an airport, according to one fan.
via Yankee Stadium’s metal detector test run is sluggish – NY Daily News.
We were discussing this on Twitter earlier. I personally am not a fan of security theater.
My straw arguments:
– is there actually a threat? If so why is baseball waiting until 2015?
– there were reportedly 75,000,000 tickets sold in 2013. Of that 75 million how many incidents were there that might have been prevented by metal detectors. Now let’s go back ten years. How many if the 750,000,000 were victims of metal-detector preventable acts?
– the one incident that does come to mind happened in the parking lot of Dodger Stadium. Will MLB be focusing on parking lot safety?
– my personal experience that most uncomfortable in-park incidents are related to alcohol consumption. Has baseball considered eliminating alcohol from stadiums?
– has there been an underreported string on in-stadium shootings and stabbings? If so, why does this go unreported?