Vote for Daniel Murphy


Since Shannon is still away, I’ll do some plugging for #imwith28. This is for the Hustle and Heart Award.

The Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association’s Heart & Hustle Award is voted on by Major League alumni and active players and is presented annually to a player who demonstrates a passion for the game of baseball and best embodies the values, spirit and traditions of the game.
The Heart & Hustle Award will be presented on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at the
15th Annual Legends for Youth Dinner at Capitale in New York City.

You can Vote by clicking here

9 Replies to “Vote for Daniel Murphy”

  1. Ceetar metspolice mine is because of work, I know yours is because of being a parent and work.

  2. Ceetar metspolice I also have lagranderusty annoying me through DMs asking about stuff that is common sense

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