A longer than usual excerpt from a fellow blogger, but Greg has yet to punch me in the nose, and I know that his desire is to publicly support Ed Charles and Gil Hodges as loudly as possible., so I’m gonna risk a nose-punch. In the spirt of Honor Amongst Bloggers please click through and read the entire post on Faith and Fear. Thanks!
I’m particularly proud that for this second QBC we will again be presenting the Gil Hodges Unforgettable Fire Award, a gesture conceived as a way to a keep Gil’s name and memory blazing for all Mets fans to see and b honor a Met who, when we think of him, warms our hearts, brightens our spirits and lights our way — just like the thought of Gil Hodges still does.
Last year, upon dedicating the award, we presented it to Gil’s family as our way of saying we, as Mets fans, are forever proud of what he means to our team. This year, we are thrilled to be able to present it to one of the players Gil managed to a world championship, someone who personifies the parameters of the prize.
Graciously joining us at QBC to accept the Gil Hodges Unforgettable Fire Award will be Ed Charles. You may know him as the Glider or the Poet Laureate of Baseball or the Elder Statesman of the 1969 Mets. We know him as someone who crafted a baseball life like no other, dating from his childhood in segregated Florida when he was inspired by the sight of Jackie Robinson in Spring Training a story portrayed in the movie 42 and winding through an unfairly long minor league apprenticeship. It took a decade for Ed Charles to reach the majors, but once he made it, as a Kansas City Athletic — debuting the very same day the Mets franchise did — it was clear he belonged.