Now the story is that this is all a hoax. I’m bored now. I guess it’s a hoax but the way this story is evolving I figure as soon as I turn my head it will turn out the hoax is a hoax.
I no longer care.
I can now confirm that those “pillbox” caps will *not* be worn on-field during *any* #MLB All-Star Game event, not even the HR Derby.
— Chris Creamer (@sportslogosnet) May 15, 2015
This morning’s original post is below (with strikeouts). Go eff yourself internet.
…that Bartolo Colon will be wearing! I don’t know if these are the BP caps or just something being sold for sales’ sake or what. Darren Rovell says they are not the caps that will be worn during the game. Anyway….
So not the worst until Paul Lukas preaches and points out… As you can see, they’re half-assing it, trying to impose pillbox-style stripes on a standard six-panel crown. Lame. If you’re going to do something, do it right or don’t bother. And why are they half-assing it? Wait, let me guess: They don’t wanna go full-pillbox because they think people won’t buy real pillbox caps For more about the caps and a look at the BP jerseys head on over to Uni Watch (seriously why don’t you read Uni Watch every day anyway. If you like my crap, UW is a better version. for today’s must read. UPDATE: Now this…
Darren Rovell says the All-Star Game cap leak is bogus. https://t.co/67rP1iaLmG
— Paul Lukas (@UniWatch) May 15, 2015
My guess, and what do I know, is these are some sort of caps that will be worn at some point during the ASG festivities.