Good morning,
I wanted to take a moment to recognize the passing of Nelson Doubleday.
I never met Mr. Doubleday, and don’t really have much to say, but it would feel weird to me if the blog didn’t acknowledge him today.
For those of us of a certain age, the “new owners” brought in an age of promise and hope after the late 1970s. For that, fans are eternally grateful.
Others will have more meaningful words to say, and I’ll try to link to them today as I juggle a busy day in my own family life.
Any comments you have on Mr. Doubleday are welcome, however I caution you not to turn this into a pile-on discussion of 21st century ownership. We can do that tomorrow.
let’s just say there will be no outpouring for the likes of Fred and Jeff like there will be over the next few days for Mr. Doubleday. And that speaks volumes about how they are viewed by the large majority of Met fans.