That Mets win was….magical The Magic is Back Bumpersticker


Break out your snazzy T7L The Magic Is Back t-shirts because I saw something last night I haven’t seen in a long long time: a gritty New York Mets baseball team.

It is Amazin’ to me that in a season where we had “Due Up: Campbell, Muno, Monell” that the Mets were able to put up Actual Major Leaguers and stage 8th and 9th inning comebacks.  It has been a long long time since I’ve seen that (well, until one of you commenters remind me they did it on May 24th or something.)

I’m actually at the point where I wonder if David Wright coming back is a good thing or not, as discussed on the podcast below. (Jason Fry from Faith & Fear is my co-host, so if you hate me and my stupid opinions at least he brings the sanity despite his crazy opinions about Jon Niese.)

2.5 up on the Nationals. That’s quite a collapse on their part, but someone else’s problem.

There is lots of baseball ahead, but so far the Mets have run the table in Meaningful Games In August! This is nice for a change.

Beach day. Perfect weather is even more rare than an August big game. Catch you guys later maybe. Have fun.