


You know what to do.  #freeharvey

No rings in 30 years, let’s not d**k with the pennant race to save a start.  There is one monthly payment left on the 30 year mortgage from 1986, I’m ready to risk the future.

No skipped starts!

2 Replies to “#freeharvey”

  1. metspolice already cost them one game (yesterday/Verrett) and what are we saving these guys for? The teams they sign w/ when they’re FA??

  2. This is NOT the problem heading down the stretch… Last night in Baltimore highlights the problem. if they could have gained ONE of SIX opportunities to increase their lead over Washington, I doubt many would object to sitting Harvey. They’ve imported all these bats and still; NOTHING! Look at the similarities with last night, the two lost in Tampa and the sweep by the Pirates. It’s all on the back of the offense and to some extent the bullpen. That is where the problem lies; and we’re all bitching about Harvey possibly missing a start??? Mejia should be held in the same light (with this fan base) as classics such as Doug Sisk, Ollie and Frank Francisco; however that would be an insult to Doug Sisk, Ollie and Frank Fransisco! Harvey can pitch to a 0 ERA over 200 innings between now and the end of the year and it will add up to NOTHING without middle relief help. Murph can go 100 for 100 over his next AB’s and it means NOTHING if the rest of the line-up doesn’t wake the f*&k up! Duda’s been asleep for the entire year with the exception of a 10-12 game stretch. Yo’s “presence” in the line-up is losing it’s luster without much production. If they fail to make it; it’s not going to be because they skipped one of Harvey and/or Syndergaard’s starts. It’s going to be because ic Black cannot find the plate in AAA, Bobby Parnell had far more expectations put on him for anyone returning from TJ and a NECK injury should; because of a bad break with Blevins and the absolute selfishness and stupidity of Jenrry Mejia. Add that to half of the relied starting line up at the beginning of the year (Duda, Lagares, Flores and Cuddyer) proving that they are platoon players. if you think David Wright is going to fix this when they get to Philly; you’re dillusional! Look at all the flaws that this team has… a missed Harvey start is about as important as the raccoon in the clubhouse.

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