QBC ’16 TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE- Powered by HostCommittee.com


Click here to buy tickets.

Hey Everyone. I know you guys have been asking when the tickets go on sale for QBC ’16, well they are now on sale.

$50 for an adult ticket. $25 for kids ages 10 and under.

You- Fifty bucks? But it was thirty-five bucks the last two times.

Us- That is true. We regrettably had to raise the price a wee bit because of the players we are bringing to the QBC and for other logistical reasons. We would love to be able to do this for free, but venues, special guests, and other incidentals cost money. So to give you the best QBC we can, we had to raise the prices a few bucks.

You- No tee shirts?

Us- Sorry. No tee shirts this year. But we are offering a QBC collectors pin($15 value) to the first 200 tickets sold.


You- We still get the opportunity to receive former player/guests autographs with price of admission?

Us- Yes you do. You have the opportunity to get Buddy Harrelson and Tim Teufel autographs (one from each per admission), You can also buy additional autographs/inscriptions at the QBC day of.

You- Wait. Bobby Valentine’s autograph isn’t free?h

Us- Sorry. It isn’t. BUT!! The opportunity to buy a ticket day of to get his autograph will be available. Doing this kept the price of the ticket for the QBC from going above $50.

Click here to buy tickets.

We would like to announce that we are now “Powered By” Host Committee for ticketing. 

We are excited to announce that ticketing for this year’s QBC is now powered by Host Committee!
Host Committee is a group ticketing platform with a powerful social software that makes it easy for users to purchase their own tickets to an event and invite their friends to join them, and do the same. Host Committee encourages friends who are attending an event together to grow their group size by offering incredible benefits available nowhere else.
At this year’s QBC, the attendee responsible for bringing the largest group of friends through Host Committee will receive the exclusive opportunity to meet and get autographs from all three Mets Legends, Tim Teufel, Bud Harrelson & Bobby Valentine in an extended, personalized experience.
For any questions regarding Host Committee or their services, you can reach them at (646) 218-9720, orcustomerservice@hostcommittee.com.
MetsPolice Teufel QBCBobby VcropBudcrop


Buy your QBC ’16 tickets here.