Someone named Dick Scott named Mets bench coach and Colon is back

Mets News Everyone!

good news


First up.  Bartolo Colon is back, making like 7 and a half or whatever the news blogs are saying.

I’m getting a kick out of how excited you all are that Colon is coming back because you spent last winter telling me he sucked and the Mets needed to get rid of him.  Now he’s a year older and you love him.  OK, whatever, glad you finally saw the light.

mets clinch 2015 colon

All Colon has to do is take his 34 starts and go deep-ish more often than not to save the good parts of the bullpen to finish off the awesome starts by the Fab 4 or Fab 5 or however many young studs the Mets have until the Santa Jinx puts Matz on the DL.  And Matt Harvey is never allowed to touch a 9th inning ever again ever.

And now the Mets have someone to remind Terry to never let Matt Harvey touch a 9th inning (or a 101st pitch) ever again ever and it’s new bench coach Dick Scott.  Who?

You know, Dick Scott.  The former director of player development.  That guy.  The legendary minor league coach from the A’s and Dodgers systems.

Official team photo of Dick Scott
Official team photo of Dick Scott

I truly wish the Mets had gone full LOLMets and found someone named Michael Scott.  That could have been EPIC.  Come on Mets.  Eh, don’t worry about it, I’m just going to call this guy Michael Scott anyway.  I need some new material.

New Mets bench coach Michael Scott
New Mets bench coach Michael Scott

Anyway, Michael’s job as bench coach will be to remind Terry not to give red hot hitters days off, and to actually manage World Series games himself and not let some 27 year old talk him out of good strategy and to say things like “you know he’s at 100 pitches, right?”  That kind of thing.

Finally, I feel bad for Wally Backman who obviously must have given Buddy the dog some crappy dog biscuits or something.  Wally is going to serve the rest of his life in baseball purgatory in Las Vegas.  I hope he gets a shot somewhere else.  Endlessly managing the 51s is pointless.

Wally Mad

Not bad for a morning blog post.  We now resume Winter Filler with caps and hoping Paul Lukas gives us something to link to.