Ooooh lets all throw Kerosene on this:  Yankees snipe at Mets in revenue-sharing gripe (Fox Sports)

mr burns

Oooooh the Yankees are upset that they pay more to revenue sharing than the Mets.

This is great! We can get Yankees fans furious.  We can make the Wilpons look cheap!  We can get sports hosts all riled up Monday morning.

Let the kerosene commence!!!!

“What is very burdensome to us — and is unfair — is the amount of money we have to pay in revenue sharing compared, for example, to teams in our market that pay 10 times less than us,” Levine told Fox Sports.   Source: Yankees snipe at Mets in revenue-sharing gripe

Cap tip to ESPN NY where I first saw this.  There are at least three blogs that source off me but never mention where they see stuff, but its Amazin’ when I sit on a story for three days and then five minutes after I post it they post it too.