Remember Reyes outrage? No you don’t because winning trumps all.

formerly mets jose reyes jersey


Remember Jose Reyes outrage?  No not the first version where he left Queens for his dream home in Miami, the second one.  The one where people were upset about accusations of domestic violence.   People were very very upset and took some pretty tough hot takes.

Now?  All I see are articles about good ol’ Jose.  He brings energy to the dugout!  He bats .272!   8 steals!  7 home runs!

All is wonderful in the Reyesverse.  Amazin’ what happens with winning baseball.  Everybody forgets.  Just win baby.


One Reply to “Remember Reyes outrage? No you don’t because winning trumps all.”

  1. Hi Shannon,
    I saw your post and felt compelled to reply.
    The day before the Mets signed Reyes, I vowed never to spend one more minute of my time or one more dollar supporting the team until both Reyes and the Wilpons were gone. On the day the Mets signed Reyes, I boxed up all my Mets gear and cancelled my MLB.TV subscription. I also deleted my Twitter feed – and my entire list of followers – because of the many nasty tweets I received from Mets fans about this decision.
    I made clear from the beginning that I think the decision to support Reyes (or to not support him) is a deeply personal one. Many fans were willing to give him a “second chance.” Some fans were going to try to separate him from the rest of the team, e.g., “root for the laundry.” I can’t fault anyone for their reaction to the signing. Each fan has to be able to look himself or herself in the mirror in the morning, and if they can, then good for them.
    As for me… As I promised myself and everyone else, I have not watched one inning of Mets baseball since June 27. I couldn’t tell you how they’re playing or who’s on the team and who’s not.
    I said back then that I believe losing with morality is far preferable to winning without it. I know I’m in the minority on this one, but that’s still what I believe. I just can’t root for a team that is benefitting from another team’s decision to cut a player because he hurt his wife. It’s just not something I can bring myself to do. I find what they did so reprehensible that not only have I not watched the Mets play… I actually don’t miss them. I’ve just found other things to do during the time I used to spend watching the Mets. My family has seen a lot more of me this summer.
    Maybe that will change someday, maybe it won’t. But it’s not correct to say that “all is wonderful in the Reyesverse” and “everybody forgets.” I doubt I’m the only fan who walked away from this team because of it.
    I’m not delusional… the Mets don’t miss me. “MetsTwitter” doesn’t miss me. The Mets will make a bunch of money selling Reyes jerseys and postseason gear if they make it and Tim Tebow stuff. Baseball is a business, and it’s their right to maximize profit. But it’s my right to vote with my feet, and I have.
    Most Mets fans are good folks, and I do miss many of our conversations. I wish them all well.

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